For 13 years, from 2003 until 2016, I practiced primarily Mana Lomi®. I chose founder Dr. Maka'ala Yates as my mentor, and I became an integral member of the Mana Lomi® teaching team. This special work helped me to develop the ability to connect deeply with my patients and clients by not only supporting me in truly feeling their tissue, but also their body-mind-spirit. This special work consistently helps me assist others in releasing pain and moving more easily.
This lomilomi helps me obtain immediate and often long-term results as I help people to help themselves. I work as a potter sculpting living clay, carefully shaping complex living tissue in a body-mind-soul time matrix. When our minds and hearts are open to all possibilities of healing, profound results can occur.
Mana-Lomi® uses Hawaiian indigenous healing concepts which work with the body, mind and spirit. It is a precise, therapeutic, clinically oriented, problem solving style of lomilomi which can be used to prevent and resolve injuries as well as to relieve stress and to help patients relax.
This special lomi lomi format addresses all body systems, particularly the muscular-skeletal and connective tissue systems, the circulatory system, the nervous system and the respiratory and digestive systems. This style of Hawaiian healing massage also works with the effects of thoughts, feelings and beliefs on our bodies.
Mana Lomi classes include Hawaiian healing chants, use of breath and meditation, and an introduction to ho’oponopono practices used to support right alignment of our mind and emotions.
Advanced training includes 1) use of hot stones, 2) use of hale pulo’ulo’u (Hawaiian sweat lodge) to cleanse the body of impurities as well as to allow heat to penetrate through the muscles down to the bones, and 3) use of internal cleansing to prevent or eliminate an organ reflex to muscles in which irritated nerves affect muscles.
Copyrighted 2009 Barbara Helynn Heard
For more information visit www.lomilomi-massage
Email barbaraheard at msn dot com
Olympia, Washington
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